Membership covenant

As a member of Redeemer Church of Denton I confess to having experienced God’s saving grace through personal faith in Jesus Christ and have been baptized in His name. I also agree to live in loving Christian community with my brothers and sisters in Christ on issues of vision, convictions, and lifestyle.

I embrace the vision of Redeemer Church to be broken people loving broken people by missionally serving Denton, Texas with the gospel. I embrace the doctrinal convictions of the Redeemer Church Statement of Faith.  

I value membership in Redeemer Church and I also embrace the structure of Redeemer Church as a vital part of my spiritual growth. I will commit to regularly attend worship services and membership meetings. I will play an active role in small groups including service projects. I will serve needs within the church especially with the children and youth. I will tithe, or sacrificially give, of my income to the Lord through giving to Redeemer Church. I will regularly share the gospel to the unbelievers in my life. Even though I am not perfect I will live a lifestyle that seeks to embrace God’s call to holiness and Christ-likeness so as not to cause harm to the name of Jesus or to the witness of Redeemer Church. I will also submit to the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 18:15-18 to the point that I will accept the loving rebuke of my church as God’s best for my life or I will experience church discipline which has the ultimate consequence of the revoking of my membership in Redeemer Church. I will support my leaders and will only correct others with gentleness and kindness out of a genuine love for them.