
On Sunday, April 25th, we celebrated the miraculous work of the Lord at a Baptism Service at Redeemer. These services are a sweet reminder of what the Lord has done in the life of each follower of Jesus. The testimony below is from Noelle Zedwick.

Before Jesus saved me, my religion was unenthusiastic. There was no passion for God. I went to church with my family and attended Sunday school, but it didn’t seem personal. God didn’t seem personal. I didn’t think that Jesus would want a close relationship with me. I probably thought He didn’t even know me. How could He when I had never talked to Him? I hadn’t realized that we have a God who wants close relationships with His people.

My idea of Jesus started changing when I was around 8 years old. My family was going to a church worship event. It had a big stage with really bright lights. Probably about halfway through the night something changed. I got really excited about singing and felt a passion I had never had before. After that I made a decision. I may not have known exactly what happened, but I did know that worshipping that night stirred something in me. So on the car ride home I asked my parents what I had to do to be a Christian. They talked to me about it and when we got home they told me how to invite Jesus into my heart. So I did.

After that night I began to trust Jesus more. Pretty soon He didn’t feel so distant. I realized that He actually did want a personal and close relationship with me. It didn’t happen overnight. There were struggles and confusion, but He walked me through each step of the way. I have learned more about who He is and who He wants me to be. He is my God, who doesn’t mind if I’m not perfect, who forgives all my sins, who washes away my guilt. I am His child, and I am loved.