Redeemer Student Ministry exists to see God raise up the next generation of disciples to worship a big God with humble confidence.




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Our vision is to see God raise up the next generation of disciples to worship a big God with humble confidence.  We do this through our commitment to teach students the gospel of Jesus Christ and prepare them to take it to those around them. We are eager to see God move in the lives of students in Denton in a way that makes much of Him. This only happens when students have a big view of God. When students have a big God, the only authentic response is a life of worship.

How We worship

We see the values of Redeemer Church as a call to worship. Each of these values provides students a way to worship a big God:

  1. Word — We seek the Scriptures to know who God is and learn how he moves in the world.

  2. Community — We gather in small groups for discipleship and mutual encouragement.

  3. Mission — We take the gospel to our school, community, and the world.

Humble confidence

Redeemer Students live with Humble Confidence. Humble Confidence is the result of the gospel. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection offers us an opportunity to stand before God with confidence. It also causes us to have a posture of humility, knowing that only Christ’s blood is sufficient to cover sin.

We not only live with Humble Confidence before God, we walk with Humble Confidence among others. The gospel reminds us that we are no less broken than anyone else, but that we do have good news to extend to other broken people. Humble Confidence is Redeemer Student Ministry’s way of showing that we are a church that is focused on “Broken People Loving Broken People“ 

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