
On Sunday, April 25th, we celebrated the miraculous work of the Lord at a Baptism Service at Redeemer. These services are a sweet reminder of what the Lord has done in the life of each follower of Jesus. The testimony below is from Lily Dao.

Before Jesus saved me, I lived life with a sense of apathy. I was aware of my need for Jesus but I failed to see the importance or urgency of following him. I was a sinner in need of saving, but I didn’t care enough to do anything about it. That apathetic outlook toward God became especially apparent last year. I was dealing with grief, anxiety, anger, and bitterness after losing Baylor. I tried to fix things on my own, but nothing I tried to do worked.

While walking through my grief, I knew that the only thing sufficient of filling the void I felt was Jesus. That being said, I was hesitant toward change. Although my life didn’t feel great, it was bearable. Not to mention, the thought of potentially giving up my title of “Redeemer Student Ministry’s biggest bully” was paralyzing. For a while, I settled for a broken life because it was easier than change. As time passed, my grief and anxiety got worse and God showed me my deep need for Him. As the sense of urgency and importance grew, God softened my heart. I began to trust God and God saved me.

Now I have felt a sense of hope and peace. I have hope that what I have felt over the past year isn’t all that there is. I have peace knowing that God is in control, making my anxiety less overwhelming. And I have confidence in saying that Jesus is better than everything that happened last year, but Jesus is also better than everything I hoped last year would be. Acts 20:24 says this: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” I pray that I live my life doing just that.