Redeemer Young Adults Ministry is our ministry for college-aged students and young professionals (ages 18-26). The focus of the Young Adults Ministry is to encourage young adults to be actively engaged in the local church, to foster discipleship, and to help think through how to engage the culture around us with the gospel.

We meet together as a group on Sundays at 5pm for dinner and fellowship, time in the Word, and prayer for one another.
Email Wayne or Martie Ewing for location and more information.

Sundays 5:00-7:00pm
Wayne and Martie Ewing’s House

June 23 - Summer Kickoff - GAME NIGHT
July 7 - Parable of the Talents: Matthew 25:14-30
July 21 - Worship Night
Aug 4 - Parable of the Sower: Matthew 13:1-23


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